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Dental Assisting School for a Great New Career

Are you ready for a new career? Dental assistants are in high demand!  We work with our students and offer many different avenues to provide them with a quality dental assistant education. We look for individuals who are highly motivated, dedicated, self starters, sharp and compassionate for this program. Do any of those describe you? Join our Dental Assisting School today!

dental assisting school

Graduates from Dental Assisting School of Colorado find great new jobs in the dental field. Some have new jobs before graduation and start early on a fulfilling new dental assistant career! We know that hard works pays off. We understand that some hesitation may play a part in making the choice to become a dental assisting professional. However, our students help and learn from each other ā€“ so why not join our dental assisting program and become a successful dental assistant?

We look forward to meeting you and offering you an excellent opportunity to learn a great career and work with a team of experienced dentists and hygienists who will train you on-site for our dental assistant programs. Why wait, sign up now for our next session. All you need to do is email or call (970) 372-4252 to sign up today!

One thought on “Dental Assisting School for a Great New Career

  1. I really appreciate all the information on this website about the school. I am so excited to enroll to find a different career. I have scheduled a visit. Thank you!

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